The Fastest way to connect your business with the customer offering a complete solution of SMS aggregator
SMS Gateway VDO Presentation
SMS Anti Spam Presentation
Customer Interview Presentation
SMS Marketing is The best of Marketing
“90 percent of text messages get read within 3 minutes of delivery. (Source:, 2011)
“Brands using SMS successfully reach 95 percent of smartphone and non-smartphone users. (Source:
“Here’s a golden gem: Mobile perform 4-5x better than online ads for key metrics such as brand favorability, awareness and purchase intent. (Source: Neilson Study, 2012)
“50 percent of survey respondents report responding to a text offer. Of that same group, 32 percent have scanned a coupon via a QR code. (Source:
92 Million+
Mobile Subscriber in Thailand
98% +
read SMS
96% +
Uses SMS
95% +
Brand using SMS successfully
90% +
read SMS within 3 minutes
Responding to a Text Offer
Price is reasonable and has more reliability than our competitor.